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Am I being unfair with myself first while dealing with others? Five Aspects of how I can be fair wit

Writer's picture: Amit DeokuleAmit Deokule

Hello All,


After a long time, I am getting in touch with you all but in a way it is good that it gives lot of space to share more progressively! 

On the day when I realized that I am not happy in my life with whatever I was doing, I asked myself the first question-

"Am I being unfair with myself?"

It is like....there was an opportunity at every corner of my life to prove myself but I am still adhering to some prohibited laws which are not natural to give me something fruitful or beneficial! 

My potentials were telling me something different and I was developing or cultivating as an idea in a different manner! May be in excitement I had developed something which was unscrupulous for own life! Nonetheless, at some point if your urge is stronger and more intense to achieve things in life, the uptrend of things start showing light and hence when I saw that happening in my case; I immediately asked one question- What can be those aspects which can give me the direction to know How I can be fair with myself?

Steve Jobs thought or experienced the same way or Albert Einstein expressed the same way with different conviction or great ancient warrior of India; Shivaji Maharaj had the same thought when He said, "Everything I do; is for nothing else but SWARAJYA!" or Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan also keeps saying that I want to be fair with myself in the first place when I shall be sharing my life with others in various communities or so on and so forth with many legendary personalities who followed the same question with a different perception but the direction was the same! 

I want to enumerate five aspects to mention where I can be fair with myself-

While thinking about FAIR I could think of following aspects-

1. Fall in love with yourself and be friendly with your life

2. Aiming high truthfully and achieving it

3. Igniting your mind continuously and Illuminating your basic qualities of personality to develop

4. Rejuvenating your vision and becoming revolutionary

Fifth one I am adding deliberately and it is -"Giving justice to being Fair!"

5. Giving justice to being fair

1. Falling in love with yourself is a journey of some years which is not easy! Few sensible occurrences of your life can make you realize the truth of being in love with yourself in the first place and for that you have to become friendly with your life process first! Accept it that your life is precious and you are important for your life because otherwise conceptually life is nothing! The way we say that when any woman cooks the food if she pours love into that, the normal food becomes more tasty and then the same process has to be applied to being in love with yourself!

2. Without purpose nothing happens...we are not born without purpose! We can not live without having any purpose in life! If we will know why one's potentials are important then we will know why there has to be purposeful aims to feed in right potentials! Just having aims is not sufficient but having concretely executable plan makes things achievable! Karmic theory is important rather than anything else in life! Geographically which planet will revolve around what has some sense and purpose and the same way the smallest but the strongest particle even has a purpose and it is human being! 

3. Your mind goes through multifaceted processes of its own impressions at every step and hence keeping the same ignited positively is necessary and we can only do that for our own betterment but nobody else! When the seed is planted, it grows on its own although water is given with all allied necessities which are being provided for its own self growth!  

 4. We all are creatures of this earth who have natural authority to live and lead our life on our own. Support elements are unavoidable aspect and dependency is integral part! But then how can we revive our vision to live more diligently matters a lot! Revolution has become a concept which can have an importance when something is created as a historical or memorable moment which will change the face of the society but we never think that revolutionary can be occurred in our own life with a limited edition but with an unlimited vision. However rejuvenating our approach at every step of life becomes a need since we all face difficulties, calamities, problems etc which is indispensable at some stage of life. When Tsunami comes and nature sustains itself even after facing the same, the same can be the process of our life to overcome barriers and standing out courageous!

5. Last but not the least, are we giving real justice to all above aspects? Because giving justice is like giving importance to our passionate skills/potentials which means what we love to do in our life because that becomes our natural credentials for the whole of our life! Always we should be in a position to do a justice to our living and then only leading as a phenomena which then becomes enduring! 

So friends, hope I am completely fair in mentioning about all the above elements with a true and fair outlook! Being FAIR...about yourself can not have a value of being materialistic but can have a value being GENUINELY WHAT YOU ARE AS YOU ARE AS A TRUE HUMAN BEING!   

So close your eyes now and imagine you are a person with substance and that substance is nothing but you are fair with your life in the first instance! Open your eyes...., do you think what you have imagined can turn out to be a real time occurrence at this point? 

I hope you were fairly interested in reading out this blog! So give a fair feedback if you read till the end! I trust you as my earthly partner of the same nature!

Be great and be kind!


In divine light,


Amit Deokule Life Balance Coach/ Master Spirit Life Coach Executive Leadership Coach Affiliated member of CCA , Canada and Marshall Goldsmith SCC M.Com, Musician( Composer, Singer and Poet)

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