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Practising Employability skills and five aspects to keep the same intact

Writer's picture: Amit DeokuleAmit Deokule

Hi Friends,


Market demands keep on changing from time to time and it reflects on the life of every person who is capable of being employed. Even an entrepreneur needs skills which are employable because ultimately we all work for growth and that is the ultimate perspective.

Have you ever faced a scenario where because of lack of employability skills you get failed at the time of interview? Have you ever faced some kind of a sudden set back in your life even after having lot of talent and technical skills? Have you ever got stuck with your own potentials where how to use your skills in the organisation will be a problem for you?

All the above questions depict that one needs to focus on his or her employability skills more consistently!

We all can have choices in choosing the career but we can not have optional tools for enhancing our employability skills.

Practising these skills ; is like a habit and it should become our habit. Employability skills is a deployment of person for some position in the organisation where he or she will exhibit all required skills apart from his/her technical knowledge which will help him or her in sustaining in the organisation with excellent record.

Enhancing employability skill is like overhauling the approach from time to time where conflicts, confusion, critical conditions will be avoided while dealing with people. Keeping Employability skills intact helps organisation to keep the growth trajectory always on a progressive mode. So it is said that while going for an interview, the person should emphasise on what organisation will derive after placing him or her and how it will be benefited!!! Because this confidence extension will help people in employing them in the first place!

Five aspects keeping the skills intact-

1. To keep abreast of the market trend to employ people 2. To upgrade communication and leadership skills from time to time 3. To restore the capacity to change positively while working in the organisation 4. To be a great team member in a team building process 5. To keep your emotional intelligence on a high mode always

1. To keep abreast of the market trend to employ people - Continuous reading of various business magazines or even supplement of newspapers where industry occurrences and related news get published ; should be taken a note of. Talking to various people, attending seminars giving lot of knowledge about the industrial trends should be done after specific time intervals. This way or even reading out/surfing through various networking channels keep giving you updated knowledge about the market and this should be done at regular interval by people who want phenomenal growth in their career.

2. To upgrade communication and leadership skills from time to time- This is the most crucial area which is ignored many times by employees of the organisation. For the said reason, participating in various activities, taking initiative always make people a good communicator imbibing good leadership qualities. The leader is a title and the leadership is a responsibility...and this should not be forgotten by the people who want to make themselves employable.

3. To restore the capacity to change positively while working in the organisation- Change is the most crucial area to get adapted to and positive change is more challenging to make into practice. The famous management philosopher Peter Drucker has stated somewhere that change has to be there but somebody who will think to go beyond change will create something unique in this world. Hence change is indispensable and to make it a habit, it requires courage. Employability skills can be kept intact by adhering to the change most graciously!

4. To be a great team member in a tea building process- It is said that not a single team is perfect with 100% accuracy but if someone can learn to be a great team member while building processes for a team, it will give judicious results to the person who is working  as a team member. Many times, while working in a team conflicts get created to a larger level in a team and that makes person less employable in the industrial scenario because one can not avoid working in a team. To become  a good team member, one needs to have tenacity to drive himself/herself properly in the organisation and if it works then growth path will be much easier.

5. To keep your emotional intelligence (E.I.) on a high mode always- Now a days dealing with people has become very tough because of the stressful condition one hovers around. Because of the said reason, one will require to work on his/her emotional value a lot. Being an emotional person and being emotionally intelligent makes a lot difference. Hence working on E.I. benefits lot of people because people are greater assets or they are like fixed but at the same time movable assets of the organisation where if the zeal will be kept alive among people to work consistently on a high mode, then things will become easier to handle with in organisations. Predominantly if we will focus on increasing empathy, then we will be able to keep people's temperament balanced and this way we will be able to justify ourselves in conditional environment.

The above are very essential point to keep our employability skills intact. Because till the time perpetual succession is going to be there in organisations, people as an employable resource will never die because we as humans have some "X" factor in our personality for sure but keeping that factor alive in organisations takes a toll and to avoid that toll one will always need to practice skills which are employable skills and keeping them intact by following the above five aspects will surely help people in upgrading themselves as a thorough professional!

Be Employable be a professional!

Warm Regards, Amit Life Balance Coach Master Spirit Life Coach www, Professional Musician

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